Yes, Cathay Pacific currently has 97 flights out of Toronto Pearson Intl per week.
The top airports Cathay Pacific serves are Singapore Changi, Hong Kong Intl, and Bangkok Suvarnabhumi. You should be able to find Cathay Pacific flights to or from these airports throughout the year.
Use our Flight Tracker to check the status of a Cathay Pacific flight. First, type in either the flight number or the airport name, then click Track Flight. The results are in real-time, so you can know exactly when a particular Cathay Pacific flight is landing, departing, late or on-time, and what gate it’s arriving at. You can also call Cathay Pacific at (011)800 2747 3333 or check their website ( for more flight status information.
With 0 stops and a cost of C$ 198 per ticket, flying from Hangzhou to Hong Kong Intl is the cheapest round-trip international flight with Cathay Pacific. The cheapest international one-way flight with Cathay Pacific is:
- Ningbo Lishe Intl to Hong Kong Intl
- C$ 99 per ticket
- 0 stops